
Terms of Sale

All orders will include the following cost components: Product cost, shipping charge and/or hazardous materials surcharge, applicable sales tax (local/state/federal), and order processing or handling surcharge (as applicable).

Sales taxes are calculated and applied based on the specific tax rates in your location.

Note - Star Graphic Supplies collects or does not collect sales tax for eCommerce (web or online) sales based on the current economic nexus laws in a buyer's state. Therefore, taxes may not be assessed on an order. The buyer may still be required to pay any sales or use taxes on their purchase according to their specific state's laws. You may contact us if an annual purchase summary is required. Please consult your tax attorney for specific direction on sales and use tax, and your compliance requirements.

Payments are processed immediately with an order submission. Star accepts the following payment methods:

  • Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover
  • PayPal and PayPal Credit

House accounts with direct invoicing and payment options are available. Purchase orders are accepted for Government and Education customers. Please contact us for more information and to request account approval.

Please contact us for questions or additional information: | 303-423-6300
