
Chemgon® Waste Treatment - 6 Pack (5 Gal Jug)

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Chemgon® Waste Treatment - 6-pack (5 Gal Jugs)   


chemgon-box.pngChemgon® is a self-contained disposal system for waste photo chemistry such as lith or rapid access developer and fixer, or black plate activator and stabilizer. Simply pour in spent fluids. The patented, proprietary, gel-like encapsulating, chelating and neutralizing polymer forms a sponge-like crystal substance in the Chemgon® when it combines with the chemistry. When this substance solidifies, it may safely and legally be thrown away in your regular industrial trash.

- Excellent for film processing chemical disposal:  Activator and Stabilizer

- Reduce Disposal Costs  “Traditional” hazardous waste collection and disposal companies charge $250-300 to dispose of 5-gallons.* Replace expensive and inefficient waste pick-up services. Using Chemgon®, the cost is only $110 to store, treat and dispose of 5-gallons.

- The Chemgon® product safely converts hazardous photo processing chemicals, including Fixer and Developer or Stabilizer and Activator, into a non-hazardous solid waste, safe for disposal in your regular trash. When used correctly, hazardous processing chemicals never leave your office.

- Each Chemgon® unit will treat five gallons of photo chemistry

- Work either directly from a tray or as the overflow from your processor

- Easy to use, economical

Render's used x-ray chemicals non-hazardous. Pour used fixer and developer into the Chemgon container. Benefits Approved for Use* Patented resins encapsulate, chelate, adsorb and absorb silver particles and bind free liquids, resulting in a non-hazardous solid waste. Dispose of the solidified contents in your regular trash.

- Complies with EPA regulations 40 CFR §260 to 299




NOTE: California requires Small Quantity Generators ( no more than 220 lbs. of waste each month ) to obtain a hazardous waste treatment permit to treat silver-laden photo-processing waste, with Chemgon.


Chemgon® Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chemgon®?
Chemgon® is a patented formula that converts hazardous, silver-laden x-ray and photo processing fluids into a non-hazardous solid, safe for
disposal with regular trash.

How does Chemgon® work?
Chemgon® solidifies, encapsulates, chelates, adsorbs, absorbs and binds processing chemicals through the application of coordination
chemistry, converting your hazardous waste to a non-hazardous solid waste safe for regular trash disposal. Standard toxicity testing (Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedures, TCLP) demonstrates that the Chemgon® treated waste tests well below the regulatory levels established by
the EPA. Chemgon® treated waste results in a nonhazardous, non-biodegradable polymer safe for regular trash disposal.

Do I need to treat my fixer or photographic chemistry before disposal?
YES. The pre Chemgon® treatment concentration of silver in processing chemicals, is about 160-350 Parts per Million (PPM),
and when mixed with developer, the silver PPM drops to about 80 - 175 PPM. The Federal EPA Hazardous Waste RCRA
Regulations define hazardous amounts of silver as greater than 5 PPM, therefore processing chemicals are considered
hazardous if they are un-treated.. Chemgon® treated fixer and developer waste tests well below the 5 PPM regulatory level,
making it safe for regular trash disposal. See page 14 of the attached US EPA website link. This document discusses the proper
disposal of photo and x-ray processing chemicals. Fines for improper disposal could be as much as $22,000 PER
OCCURRENCE. In other words, each time silver-laden processing chemicals or silver reclamation unit liquid residue wastes are
poured down the drain, the fine could cost your business $22,000 PER OCCURRENCE. The EPA Guide to Pollution Prevention
(EPA 625/7-90 CO9, p. 11) states that photographic chemicals containing silver are hazardous and are not to be discharged into
wastewater treatment systems, including septic systems. A common misconception is that pouring processing chemical waste
"down the drain" is an acceptable disposal method. That is inaccurate and violators have been severely fined. In addition,
adverse health effects have been linked to improper disposal of hazardous wastes into our water system. Don't take a chance;
you can obtain WCM's Chemgon® from your local product supplier, control your liability and contribute to saving our

How many Chemgon containers can I use each month and still be considered a Small Quantity Generator (SQG)?
You can safely use (10) Chemgon containers each month. In order to be considered an SQG you must not generate more than
220 lbs. of waste each month. Fixer weighs about (8) lbs. per gallon so (25) gallons is the threshold; since fixer is mixed in equal
parts with developer (non hazardous waste) you can utilize (10) Chemgon containers or 50 gallons of fixer/developer (25) gallons
of hazardous fixer and (25) gallons of non hazardous developer waste each month and still be considered an SQG. Usually
SQG generators are exempt from obtaining a treatment permit.

How do I use Chemgon®?
Simply pour equal amounts of fixer and developer into the Chemgon® container. It can be filled over time, so staging or other
storage is not required. Once full, tighten the lid and place in your regular trash. Equal parts of fixer and developer are required
so that a neutral pH is achieved.

What are the benefits of using Chemgon®?
1. Customers often save 75% compared to hazardous waste collection costs.
2. More convenient than collection or silver recovery; simply fill over time and dispose of the solidified contents when full.
3. Conveniently purchased from your supply partner, eliminates contracts, separate invoices and unnecessary interruptions to
your practice.

The two biggest advantages are cost-savings and convenience. Customers using Chemgon® save up to 75% compared to
hazardous waste collection costs. With Chemgon® there is no need to maintain ‘manifests' your supply invoice is all you need as
proof of compliance. We also have an online ‘Disposal Log' available if you choose to record your usage. Chemgon® provides
peace of mind because hazardous liquids are rendered non-hazardous onsite and safe for regular trash disposal.

I only have my spent fixer, I understand equal parts fixer and developer must be used in order for Chemgon® to work;
what do I do?
Purchase new developer to mix with your spent fixer. Pour equal amounts of the "new" developer and spent fixer into the
Chemgon® container. We would prefer not to "waste" new developer but this is still more cost effective and better for the
environment than using a collection service.

What Products are not for use with Chemgon®? Electrostatic chemistries, fountain
solutions, etches and blanket washes.

Is Chemgon® able to be used in all States?
Yes, although not unlike the other permits needed because you generate hazardous waste, you may need a treatment permit;
check with your local regulator or call us for help. California is the only State, we are aware of, that requires a hazardous waste
treatment permit, to treat SQG silver laden hazardous waste, with Chemgon®.

What testing has been done to verify the effectiveness of Chemgon®?
Chemgon® treated waste passes the Paint Filter test, TCLP test for Metals and the California 96-Hour Acute Aquatic Toxicity test
(the "Fish Test").

How do I get a permit in California?
To apply for a hazardous waste treatment permit or ‘Standardized Permit' to treat your hazardous silver fixer/activator waste on
site with Chemgon® in California, end users should go to the following website to find their CUPA (Certified Unified Program
Agency) (copy and paste to browser) click on ‘contacts' (on the left) click on
‘unified program mailing list' (on the right). Look for your county and contact information on the list. When you call your county's
CUPA, ask for the hazardous waste specialist Responsible for generator authorization for onsite treatment of this hazardous

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